Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Blog Post #12 Final Class Reflection

It seems incredible that this will be my last Class Blog Post. On my first blog I wrote “This is my first post. Creating my blog was a whole new adventure. It was interesting and a little bit intimidating but I did it.” My first technology tool was this blog and I found it intimidating but then came the following tool and the one before looked easier. After that, I had more knowledge and practice on how to post in a blog so I wrote more and started to sound more confident. News experience can be exciting but the time constraint made them a little bit stressful.

I have learned the basics of making a Tableaux, Digital Manipulation, Blogging, Web design, Digital Story, Non-Linear PowerPoint, and Podcasting. Also, I have learned how to use those technological tools without violating copyright laws. I have discovered many useful websites that will facilitate the integration of technology in my classroom. I discovered technology is an invaluable resource when use to support other activities and not as the main objective. Educational goals, how technology can enhance those goals and diligent professional preparation before using appropriate technology in the classroom are imperative. Relationship and personal interaction are also important elements in a learning process.

I have also faced many challenges, but I learn from them. I am not afraid of technology, but I can get very impatient with it. My challenges taught me that you cannot rush your work when using technology. You have to keep a steady and very careful pace while working with these tools. You also have to be flexible and patient with yourself and with others, especially the computer, if you want to master the technological skills. Another challenge was to listen to quick instructions on how to do tasks, retain the information quickly without taking notes of the steps to follow, and jump immediately into the hands on experience. This forced me to rely more in the tutorials to close any information gap. I am certainly going to incorporate this experience in my lesson designs, especially if they integrate the use of technology. I am going to utilize this experience to anticipate my student’s challenges when working with technology. I have definitively stretched my horizons way beyond my experiences through this course proving my self that we never cease to learn. So, now I stand in front of my computer more confident than yesterday and looking forward to my tomorrows.

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