Saturday, July 10, 2010

Blog Post # 6 Content Standars as Targe of Focus

I am using the Social Studies, Grade 5-8, Content Standard 2a. Students will use historical thinking skills to develop and understanding of the major historical periods, issue and trends in the United States history, world history, and Connecticut and local history. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of major events and trends of United States history, specifically the American Revolution and the Civil War. I can link visual learning with digital imagery & inspiration for what I have learned so far by using a tableau media and a Concept Map. I think I can have the students make a tableau of some of the most important moments of the American Revolution and the Civil War. Taking pictures to explain important events will allow them to explore the sequence of events they have read as part of the curriculum. The process of taking the picture to present an idea will require the understanding of the event in order to reproduce it in a creative and relevant way. The Concept Map can facilitate the organization of events by historical sequence and eventually evolve to allow them to demonstrate the trends of the United States history. A collection of Concept Map will provide the students with a road map through history. Even though we have not discussed yet the use of Storyboards, Digital Story, podcast and other media, all of them can be used to support this learning goal.

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