Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Blog Post #2

Current personal & work related use of technology, comfort level, and concerns and expectations for this course

I use different types of technology in my life and in different ways. I own a Blackberry, a Cannon Power Shot S5IS digital camera, a Cannon Digital Video camera, an IPOD, a Dell Desktop, a Dell Laptop and all the remotes that control our home entertainment devices like TVs, Home Theaters and Music centers. I have learned little by little to use all these media but not to their full potential.

In the work field, I started using computers around the 1990’s. As a lawyer, I always had a secretary who prepared my legal documents. Then, they started training the layers in the use of technology to prepare their legal documents in draft format. I loved it and was eager to learn more. Professional Development in that area back then was not very well structured nor scheduled. I took the task of experimenting with it and learn the most by myself. I have always been fascinated with the idea that not many of my mistakes will ruin my computer work, and the ways the computer will always provide help to help myself figure things out.

The Internet came and little by little I got into it. It has always been fascinating how you can answer so many questions by just typing them in the browser. I love information and have been able to help others gain access to it. Now, as a special education paraprofessional, I am using computers all the times. I use the Internet to find answers to student’s questions for which I do not have an answer. I have found websites that help me to use different strategies and resources to facilitate my student’s learning. When others did not know how to make modifications to some educational task, the internet helped me.

My only regret is not having enough time to keep learning about technology. Therefore, this course represents a great opportunity and a bridge to that wonderful world of endless possibilities. I expect to learn about how to use technology to help me and my students to look for information, learn from the Internet and provide them with a multisensory experience that can be used to cater to all students’ learning style. Also, I would like to learn to use technology to help students with special and unique needs gain access to educational information in ways they can understand, apply and integrate successfully. I expect to learn the most about digital imagery, the Internet, digital concept mapping, pod casting, digital storytelling and any other media, so I can be prepared and ready to integrate them with my instructional method and strategies.

This course can help me prepare to effectively and adequately integrate and implement educational technology to support my students’ learning, and also to better collaborate with the technology support staff in making technology accessible for all students, including students with special needs and exceptional learners.

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